All posts tagged: purpose

Living a visionary life

Take a look at Proverb 29:18 in three different translation “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he.” “If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed.” Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction. Introduction Where there is no vision, no prophet to proclaim the Word, no pastor to teach the good news, the people perish, no revelation of what God is doing or what He intends to do: The people are made naked. They are stripped and exposed to shame and exposed to danger. They rebel, not only against God but also against leadership, and authority, They are idle and lose their commitment and devotion to the Lord. They are scattered as wondering sheep with no shepherd to guard them. They are destroyed for lack of knowledge. What is the meaning of vision? Vision is a captivating and compelling picture or dream …

God, Time, and Promotion

The proper time for promotion It is not my time It is not a chanced time It is not premature time It is not an expired time It is God’s time! The key to finding God’s time is twofold: Humility Humble yourself under His mighty power… in due time He will lift you up! Trust Casting all anxieties on Him We are either prideful or fearful in general when it comes to finding success, achieving our goals or reaching our destiny. We often get in the way of the Lord by enthroning ourselves. We are impatient. So we take matters into our own hands. And instead of seeking Him for wisdom we operate on a human level instead of on God’s supernatural grace. The result is fear and frustration. The longer we stay in that state, the harder it becomes for us to step into God’s proper time. When fear begins to rule, we fall further away from seeing God at work in our lives. Fear unleashes in us all forms of anxieties. We shut …

Everything in life is about stewardship

Stewardship is a careful, responsible and faithful supervision and management  of something entrusted to a person. As much as I like to think that everything I have, who I am and what I am capable of originates with me, the truth is: He made me He gifted me He prospers me He uses me My good looks, bank rolls and resource My time, talent and treasure My smarts, style and pzazz all come from a generous and loving God. God owns everything. We have all been entrusted with something. It is our responsibility to not only recognize that everything is His, but to also respond to this trust with dedicated and faithful stewardship. Scripture References Deuteronomy 8:17-18 “You may say to yourself, ‘My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.’ But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth” 1 Peter 4:9 “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Corinthians 9:17 “For …

Ignite my Soul: Consume these idle sticks

“God consume these idle sticks in my life that may burn for thee.” Jim Elliot What does the word idle mean? It means – not active or in use. synonyms: inactive, unused, unoccupied, unemployed, disused. It speaks of a person – not working; unemployed. Synonyms: unemployed, jobless, out-of-work, redundant, between jobs, work less, unwaged, unoccupied. It also speaks of a person avoiding work; lazy. Synonyms: lazy, indolent, slothful, work-shy, shiftless, inactive, sluggish, lethargic, listless It means to lack or be without purpose or effect; pointless. Synonyms: frivolous, trivial, trifling, vain, minor, petty, lightweight, shallow, superficial, insignificant, unimportant, worthless, paltry, niggling, peripheral, inane, fatuous It defines a person who spends their time doing nothing; be idle. Synonyms: do nothing, be inactive, vegetate, take it easy, mark time, twiddle one’s thumbs, kill time, languish, laze, lounge, loll, loaf, loiter. The Scripture warns about it A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich. Proverbs 10:4 And going out about the third hour he saw others standing idle in the marketplace. Matthew 20:3 But …

To Tweet or not to Tweet

If you have not yet asked yourself why you have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram accounts or why you are on any other social media sites, chances are, you have them or are on them, for all the wrong reasons. It is important for all of us to define the purpose for having or using social media, because if we don’t define it for ourselves, others will define it for us. Like any good tool, social media can be misused and abuse depending on the one using it. Some use it for perverted purposes, others, for dubious purposes and still others use it to promote self. It is not a secret, social media has brought out the narcissism in every one of us. Recently, an article in the Atlantic made some bold claims that “we’re in the middle of a raging narcissism epidemic.” In the article, they cited a study showing that “among a group of 37,000 college students, narcissistic personality traits rose just as quickly as obesity from the 1980s to the present.” Citing Elias Aboujaoude, …

7 steps to a better life

Everyone is looking for a better life, but just how to get that life can prove a little elusive, especially if we go about seeking it the wrong way, or pursuing the wrong things. Let me propose 7 steps to a better life. The list is not exhaustive, but I am sure you’ll find these steps very useful: 1. Make curiosity your best friend Curiosity is the desire to learn or know more about something or someone. Plutarch once said, “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” Curiosity is the very thing that fuels that fire and makes for a better life. 2. Put Christ at the center of everything you do I know a man who ran after the pleasures of this world. But at the end of his life he realized that it was all vanity – a chasing after the wind. So remember God, fear Him and keep his command, in everything you do do it all the his glory. 3. Let simplicity be your …

Fulfill your Ministry

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” And he said, “Go, and say to this people: “‘Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’  Make the heart of this people dull, and their ears heavy, and blind their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed.”  Then I said, “How long, O Lord?” And he said: “Until cities lie waste without inhabitant, and houses without people, and the land is a desolate waste,  Isaiah 6:8-11 It is a great feeling to receive the call of God to any given work or mission. The idea of hearing from God and knowing that He hand-picked for a purpose is very special. But it is extremely difficult to get up and fulfill that ministry everyday. Sooner or later, you will discover that the call is not a feeling but …

Choosing to Live life on purpose

One of the reasons why I decided to start a blog and actually give it the title “where are you… Where are you going?”, can actually be summarized in a very few words. I want my life to really count. And if I can inspire somebody to think the way I do, and do the things I do to make my life count, than at least in this small portion of my life I have succeeded big time. At the end if my life, I want my wife and kids, my friends and loved ones to say that I was the husband, the father and the man that I was created to be. That I lived my life exceptionally well and left this earth with no regrets. I want to leave a legacy that generations after me will not easily forget. I want to go out with a deep satisfaction that I did my best to serve God and my family. I want to leave this place knowing that I was able to discover God’s …

The missing piece

I am a firm believer that every one of us have a gift. We are all destined to do something in life that no one else could ever do. Even if we did our best to imitate somebody else’s gift we could never quite deliver like they do. Each one of us are uniquely created and strategically gifted and placed to do just one thing and do it like no one else could. I recently read the story about an eighty-six year old man named Jack Harris. It took him more than five-hour a day for eight years to complete a 5 ft jigsaw puzzle of James Tissot’s painting “The Prodigal Son” – only to find out that there was a missing piece. He looked for that piece but it was nowhere to be found. See, the piece was accidentally thrown away and the thought of not completing the puzzle left Jack really sad. Fortunately, the manufacturer heard Jack’s story about the missing piece and graciously custom-made that piece for him to complete building the puzzle. There is a song that only you could write, …