Month: June 2022

When people abandon you, and others blame you: 7 Things to consider

When people abandon you, and others blame you for what went wrong – what should be your attitude? 7 Things I am learning about that: 1. Take responsibility. No matter how out of your control the situation was, it happened on your watch. And as a leader, everyone involved should feel like you genuinely take responsibility. 2. Commit your feelings to the Lord. In any event, He is bigger than your feelings. When the criticisms, judgments, and abandonment become real and you feel rotten, commit your feelings to Him. 3. Seek wisdom from trusted friends and leaders. See it as a teachable moment. 4. Keep your heart from becoming resentful and bitter by inviting God into the situation. 5. Often times when we are misunderstood we want to make everyone aware of our righteousness. Don’t seek to justify yourself or your actions. Let your heart settle in the fact that God saw how much you invested and how much you still care. 6. Care enough to pray – not for God to straighten them out …