All posts filed under: Mid-week Boost

Disturb us Lord

Disturb us, Lord, when We are too well pleased with ourselves, When our dreams have come true Because we have dreamed too little, When we arrived safely Because we sailed too close to the shore. Disturb us, Lord, when With the abundance of things we possess We have lost our thirst For the waters of life; Having fallen in love with life, We have ceased to dream of eternity And in our efforts to build a new earth, We have allowed our vision Of the new Heaven to dim. Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly, To venture on wider seas Where storms will show your mastery; Where losing sight of land, We shall find the stars. We ask You to push back The horizons of our hopes; And to push into the future In strength, courage, hope, and love Prayer by Sir Francis Drake

WWJD with Difficult People?

My first attempt at a title for this post was, “7 types of people I really don’t like.” I know! I know I should love people unconditionally. I know I should go the extra mile. I know I need to be like Jesus, but I fall short so many times  in my love and patience for difficult people. How many can handle a church member who’s always giving you a dirty look, a sarcastic remark or a backhanded compliment. Frankly, only those who know difficult people can really understand what I am talking about. This is the kind of people I want to talk about in this post. I will briefly mention 7 character flaws of people, and frame them as highly difficult to live or work with. Having said that, I hope to encourage all of us to strive and commit to growing into the likeness and character of Jesus. This, I believe, is the first key to  dealing with difficult people. The second is to become cognizant of the fact that these people are – family members, co-workers, …

Are Afflictions Wordless Prayers?

“Tears are words that need to be written.” — Paulo Coelho And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction. Genesis‬ ‭16‬:‭11‬ KJV) This is one of the strangest verses I have ever seen in the Bible. On a human level, we cannot hear affliction. We can feel it and other times see it. To hear affliction is unthinkable, at least in my finite mind. We usually hear about how God saw the afflictions or heard the cries of his people in their afflictions. But we almost never read about him hearing our afflictions. This must be a thing that God alone can do. Could it be that all our afflictions are wordless prayers that God hears? Could it be that our afflictions are supposed to be louder than our voices lifted up in prayer during times of affliction? I want to believe that an affliction is a reflection of a need. …

How to live a Spirit Empowered Life

How active is the Holy Spirit in your life?  Are you living the abundant Christian life the Jesus promised to all his followers?  I believe it all depends on how much access and freedom you give him to truly live a Spirit empowered life. The case for the Spirit The first question to ask is where is the Holy Spirit in the Bible and how involved is Him in the grand scheme of things. In the Old Testament  We first find Him in the beginning as the source of life.  He strives with men.  He is the very manifestation of God.  He has a special relationship with Israel; he guides and empowers men from all walks of life to do exploits for God. In the New Testament In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit’s role in the ministry of Jesus and in the Early Church is on full display. In fact, the Holy Spirit launched the public ministry of Jesus.  As we read the gospels and particularly the Book of Acts, He is also involved in the …

What goes in, Comes out

Tonight, the Season Premiere of most Fall TV Shows begin. I want to take the time, in this post, to encourage smart choices in what we watch this Fall. It is imperative that we avoid the seduction and not fall into sin this Fall by what we watch on TV. We must do everything to avoid the very appearance of sin and evil. Remember, whatever goes in will eventually come out. Above all else, we must guard our hearts, so that they stay tender toward the Lord. Time is very precious, therefore, don’t waste it. There is nothing wrong with watching TV, but the 5 to 7 hour the average American puts into it, and the wrong kinds of programs, can sap all of one’s energy for spiritual things, dry up one’s spirit, and lead to all kinds of temptations. Let common sense and the word of God guide us in our choices of what to watch. Also let us be responsible with the time He has given us as well. Here are a few verses from …

That I may discover God’s highest and best usage for my life

The world is yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in and by the man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him. I’ll try my utmost to be that man. DL Moody Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee. Take my moments and my days; let them flow in ceaseless praise. Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of Thy love. Take my feet, and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee. Take my voice, and let me sing always, only, for my King. Take my lips, and let them be filled with messages from Thee. Take my silver and my gold; not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect, and use every power as Thou shalt choose. Take my will, and make it Thine; it shall be no longer mine. Take my heart, it is Thine own; it shall be Thy royal throne. Take my love, my Lord, I pour at Thy feet its treasure store. Take myself, …

Calvary Covers it all

Whenever there is an accident, an illness or a disaster, the first thing that comes to mind is – “do I have insurance… do I have full coverage?” It is reassuring to know you are fully covered. Jesus is not an insurance policy,  but He has provided full coverage for everything we can ever imagine, through His work on Calvary. Our past, present, and future is fully covered. Take a look at these scriptures: Colossians 2:14 AMP Having cancelled and blotted out and wiped away the handwriting of the note (bond) with its legal decrees and demands which was in force and stood against us (hostile to us). This [note with its regulations, decrees, and demands] He set aside and cleared completely out of our way by nailing it to [His] cross. Romans 8:35-39 AMP Who shall ever separate us from Christ’s love? Shall suffering and affliction and tribulation? Or calamity and distress? Or persecution or hunger or destitution or peril or sword? For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, …


There is so much power available for you in Christ than the enemy can withstand. It would be a travesty for you to go down without a fight. — Walter Bright (@WaltBright) September 10, 2014 The weeks gone by have been unbelievably dark and discouraging. There were times I felt like the sky was literally falling. It brought memories of me driving through the fog heavily resting over San Francisco. The days, however are becoming  a little less gloomy. I can almost see Jesus clearing the dark clouds, one giant sweep at a time. I can also hear Him say, “you’ve come too far to give up now.” Do you know how that makes me feel? I feel like the sky is the limit. I feel like I can do any thing. I feel unstoppable. In the words of Smokey Norful, I feel like: “There is nothing that I can’t do, as long I have you. I can sail on the clouds, make a mountain lay down. I can breathe in the deep blue sea. …

Divine Healing Is a Gift of God’s Grace for All

Just as salvation is by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8), so all God’s blessings and gifts are ours by His grace, or unmerited favor. They cannot be earned or deserved. It should be noted that instead of demanding healing from Jesus, the New Testament records that people came asking for His compassionate ministry. They did not look on healing as their right, but as a gracious privilege extended to them. That we cannot earn God’s blessings, including divine healing, should make us realize the importance of cultivating our life in the Spirit, for the Spirit will “give life to your mortal bodies,” and that is our real hope (Romans 8:11). In fact, even though outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day (2 Corinthians 4:16). It is this inner renewal that makes us best able to have the faith to receive the gift of divine healing. To the woman healed of her twelve-year-long bleeding, Jesus said, “Your faith has healed you” (Mark 5:34). Paul at Lystra, when he saw that …