All posts filed under: Sanctification

You do not fall into sin you slide into it!

But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. James 1:14 Have you ever walked upon the skin or outer covering of a banana? It is one of the scariest and most dangerous slip and fall you will ever have. You begin with a slide. It may be a short slide, but at the end of that slide there is a very had fall. I want to use this scenario to describe how one falls into sin. First of all, no one ever wakes up in the morning and tells himself, “you know, today I feel like sinning. I feel like buying myself some crack or cocaine and just getting wasted. Or, you know I’m going to get myself a hot babe tonight and commit adultery.” But I am not sure that is the way people fall into sin. It is a long, gradual, progressive slide. A journey of …


We live in an era where you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home to be faced with temptation. You turn on the television, you get on the internet and you can find it every on every click or change of channel. If we are not smart we can begin to think and even believe that the consequences of playing a little loosed with temptation will be minor. But every compromising click or changed channel can drag you down into a deep and dark dungeon of bondage and addiction. We have all seen and heard of scandals over the past decade, ones that shocked leaving homes broken, lives destroyed and reputations ruined all because of one single poor judgement. Bill Pollard said, “reputations are fragile, they must be handled with care like a valuable vase that if dropped can never quite be put together again”. Temptations knock at the door of all of us. It would be nice to heed the voice of God it knocks at your door – master it! And don’t …