All posts tagged: humility

When people abandon you, and others blame you: 7 Things to consider

When people abandon you, and others blame you for what went wrong – what should be your attitude? 7 Things I am learning about that: 1. Take responsibility. No matter how out of your control the situation was, it happened on your watch. And as a leader, everyone involved should feel like you genuinely take responsibility. 2. Commit your feelings to the Lord. In any event, He is bigger than your feelings. When the criticisms, judgments, and abandonment become real and you feel rotten, commit your feelings to Him. 3. Seek wisdom from trusted friends and leaders. See it as a teachable moment. 4. Keep your heart from becoming resentful and bitter by inviting God into the situation. 5. Often times when we are misunderstood we want to make everyone aware of our righteousness. Don’t seek to justify yourself or your actions. Let your heart settle in the fact that God saw how much you invested and how much you still care. 6. Care enough to pray – not for God to straighten them out …


There is a buzzword in the church today. DESTINY! Everybody’s talking about it and running after it. It is interesting, however what exactly people mean when they talk about destiny. In many cases, it’s about personal success. There is nothing wrong with that! But destiny runs deeper than that. Destiny is not about success status self aggrandizement It’s is about servanthood For many destiny has become an idol! It is very easy for destiny to become an idol. Take a look at the life of Joseph. Joseph was a young man who at the age of 16 misunderstood a revelation given to him by God. In his immaturity he developed an air of self importance that drove his brothers to despise him. His interpretation of a God given destiny or dream was all about him, and he paid dearly for it. But after a series of life lessons, Joseph began to understand that though one day he would be elevated to become Prince of Egypt, God was not interested in his status, but his servanthood. …

Let no flesh glory in His presence

It was the summer of 2001, over 2000 worshiper had gathered on a beautiful Sunday morning. The musical group was up – ready to start worship. The lead pastors were standing behind the musical group (old school) up on the platform. Everyone of them fired up and ready to serve the congregation. Not to mention, they looked good in their suit and tie. The atmosphere was charged with the supernatural presence of God, you could reach out and literally touch it. All eyes were on the King of kings until the worship leader turned around from facing the congregation toward to drummer who was immediate behind him. It was a horrible sight to see, in an outburst of anger he scolded the drummer for missing a beat and not coming in where he was supposed to. From that point on, everything went downhill. The presence of God lifted and the expression on the pastors’ faces was nothing less than disappointing. The worship pastor, well, that was me. I really don’t know what happened to me …

10 Reasons we fail to come into our true Greatness

Time Magazine got it wrong when they put T.D. Jakes’ picture on the cover of their September 17th 2001 magazine with the question – “Is this the next Billy Graham?” Our culture is always on the hunt for the next big thing. But that idea falls short of the glory of God. Why can’t both preachers be great in and of and by themselves? In this third part of their ‘America’s Best Series’, the magazine failed to rise above the age long temptation to define greatness in terms of position, power, prominence and possession. Even Jesus’ disciples stumbled over this same temptation when they “argued with one another about who was the greatest.” The desire to be better than or above everyone else is born in a sinful, broken and bankrupt place of an arrogant heart. A lot of people tend to think that this is an American problem. But this is not an American problem, it is a sin problem. Pride is a disease. And the gospel, in all its simplicity and power, is …

7 Tested Ways to develop Endurance

For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. James‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬ NLT Some of the greatest athletes of our time, never would have made it without a certain level of endurance. Not only physical, but also, as we have seen in recent years, mental toughness. Some of our heroes and heroes of faith would never have made it, had it not been for a certain level of tenacity, spiritual endurance developed along the way. Endurance is like a muscle.  It grows with a proper use of exercise or training and it shrinks for the lack of the same. Endurance is not only “the ability to withstand hardship or adversity; the ability to sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity, but it is also the ability to improve. It is not a matter of if our faith will come under immense testing and trial, but a matter of when. During these times, there are seven thing we can do to keep our edge and win in the battle.  Look with …

The Secret to More

The secret to more in your life is your ability to release what you have. It’s your ability to live open handed and not tight fisted. Somebody once said , “In the Kingdom of God you only get to keep what you give away.” The principle is simple: “Bless Us – So we can be a blessing.” Freely received, freely give – for with the measure you use it will be used unto you. Getting all the good things in life and keeping them only for oneself is not only stupid, but also the perfect way to shut close the doors from where they came. When we try to keep for ourselves His ever flowing stream of grace, we create a life of stagnacity. The more we give away, the more we get to keep. Everything is worth sharing. The dead sea is a great example: Life flows into it – but nothing lives in it. Why? Because nothing flows out of it. If you want more Anointing look for opportunities to release it. If …

7 Reasons why God won’t use you

Throughout time, God has, in His Sovereignty, chosen to use people to accomplish his purpose. When he needed a deliverer for his people in Egypt, he called Moses. When he needed to finally save men from sin and damnation, he chose Mary to bring Jesus into the world. He used a stick to part the Red Sea, a little boy’s lunch of fish and bread to feed thousands. He even spoke through a donkey at one time. So God is in the business of using people to accomplish his plan. But as much as God wants to use us, sometimes he cannot adequately use us because we get in His way. The following are 7 reasons God cannot adequately use you. 1. You steal His Glory I am the Lord ; that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to carved idols.  Isaiah 42:8 ESV Satan was banished for it Nebuchadnezzar regretted it Herod was killed for it. Simon was cursed for trying to buy for his glory Paul …

Reconciliation: Two Worlds Collide

The last few months have been a moving apart of many nations, cities, and Peoples. From the Middle East, to Eastern Europe, Parts of Africa, to Ferguson, conflict, strife and dissension seem to be pulling people and communities further apart. There is no telling of how this falling apart, affects families, Churches and relationships. I am however hopeful, that just as a people fall apart, there will come a time of healing and reconciliation. This is the will of God; and Quite frankly, our world needs this desperately. There is an account in Genesis chapters 24-33 that tell the story of two brothers. It is a story of love and hate; friendship and hostility. It is a story of a falling out. 20 years of grudge and separation. It is a very strong desire to revenge, as well as arrogance and un-repentance. For the most part, it was 20 years of deception, mistrust, deceit, anger, bitterness and the misery of resisting God  Everything was great between them until one betrayed the other. As difficult and impossible as it …

Thursday Tweets that Teach

In Scripture, meekness is not weakness; it means “power under control”…Standing Strong Thru The Storm➽READ @OpenDoors — Bible Gateway (@biblegateway) July 15, 2014 THE MEEK Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Matthew 5:4 Meekness is not to be confused with weakness. In scripture, meekness means “power under control.” In this context, the contrite, praying person is blessed with the indwelling control of the Holy Spirit and the inheritance promised to the believer even in conflict. History shows that it is the people who have learned this, people with their passions, instincts and impulses under disciplined control, who have been great. (see Numbers 12:3 and Proverbs 16:32) Thus: Blessed are those whose every instinct, every impulse, and every passion is under the control of God’s Spirit! They will be right with God, self and others and enter the life which God alone can give. Pray for this meekness when entering into dialogue with those of opposing positions. There will be times when patience and self-control will be sorely tested. There may also be times when …

Charity Begins at Home

A Paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 13  Author Unknown and altered by J. Yardy Though in the glamour of the public eye I sway the emotions of many by my oratory, or my silver singing, or by my skillful playing, or by my winning personality, and then go home and gripe because things don’t go m way, I am become a sounding brass or a tingling cymbal. And though I am able to impress others with my vast knowledge of the deep things of the Word of God in Bible Studies and prayer groups, and though I am able to accomplish mighty things through faith so that I become famous in the church as a remover of mountains, and have not love that reads the deep longings of the hearts around the family circle, and removes the barriers that grow up in shy and tender hearts, I am nothing at all. And though in glamour of public praise I bestow my goods to feed the poor, and though I win the name and fame of the …