All posts tagged: peace

When people abandon you, and others blame you: 7 Things to consider

When people abandon you, and others blame you for what went wrong – what should be your attitude? 7 Things I am learning about that: 1. Take responsibility. No matter how out of your control the situation was, it happened on your watch. And as a leader, everyone involved should feel like you genuinely take responsibility. 2. Commit your feelings to the Lord. In any event, He is bigger than your feelings. When the criticisms, judgments, and abandonment become real and you feel rotten, commit your feelings to Him. 3. Seek wisdom from trusted friends and leaders. See it as a teachable moment. 4. Keep your heart from becoming resentful and bitter by inviting God into the situation. 5. Often times when we are misunderstood we want to make everyone aware of our righteousness. Don’t seek to justify yourself or your actions. Let your heart settle in the fact that God saw how much you invested and how much you still care. 6. Care enough to pray – not for God to straighten them out …

A Prayer for the Refugee

For the lonely and forgotten, for the weary and distressed, For the refugee and orphan, and for all who are oppressed, For the stranger who is pleading while insulted and despised, Will You rise? Will You rise? Rise up! Rise up! The earth will fear the Lord when You avenge the poor. May Your kingdom come . . . O rise up!

Peace on earth goodwill to men

    Hate is not strong enough to mock this song. God is not dead nor does he sleep. Wrong shall fail and right shall prevail. There is hope in the midst of despair. We are grounded, settled and confident in His victory Our hearts are assured by His everlasting love. Darkness is swallowed by the light of the world – Jesus. Peace is springing up in the most devastating places of war and chaos and trouble. The Bells of Christmas Day will be heard far and wide – Peace on earth – goodwill to men.  

The Door

All within are love and gladness, Light and warmth and cheer; All without the night wind wailing O’er the lonely mere. There within the child belovèd — There the welcome sweet; There without the wandering orphan And the weary feet. Wandering child! the Door is open — That fair palace-door; There thy Father’s kiss awaits thee, Fatherless no more. One fair golden Door — one only, Jesus Who has died; Jesus is that blessed Doorway Open free and wide. Child, no need to knock, to ask Him If thou mayest come; Lo! He stands in love beseeching, Saying, “Child! come home.” Saying, “Child, the night is dreary On the mountains lone; Pass within thy Father’s palace, Heaven is all thine own. “Thou hast sinned, and I have suffered Curse and death for thee; Now as I to Him am precious, Thou art dear to Me.” Emma Frances Bevan, 1899

Bust the bloomin’ drum

John Stott tells of an English Salvation Army drummer who was beating his drum so hard that the band leader had to tell him to pipe down a bit and not make so much noise. In his cockney accent the drummer replied, “God bless you, sir, since oi’ve been converted, oi’m so ’appy, oi could bust the bloomin’ drum!” If you’ve never known this joy – let today be the day that experience it. Open up your heart to Jesus. By grace and through faith and repentance, your life will never be the same. If you’ve lost that joy, either through sin, suffering or sorrow – let today be the day you find it again – by putting you trust in Him again, and crying out to him, your voice will be heard. If you are still undecided, not very sure about this. I employ you to taste and see that The Lord is good. Take that leap of faith. Source of Information: (Christianity Today [6/12/81], p/ 19.)

Comfort Foods

Comfort, comfort, comfort! Who doesn’t like to be comforted? The problem is we often seek it in all the wrong places. For me, finding comfort in food is my drug of choice when I am seeking comfort in difficult times. For some, it might be alcohol,  drugs, or some kind of temporary fix to cause you to forget your pain. Still for others, it is an escape into a world of fantasy,  entertainment,  the adrenaline of a fast life or a lustful, soulful,  sexual experience. In any case, we usually, if not always come away more empty than we went in. But it’s time for you to see and taste of the “sweetest of love, where your heart becomes free and your shame is undone. “ We find those in the comfort that comes only from the Father of all comforts.  If you are tempted in any way today,  to go looking for comfort in all the wrong places,  know that you will never be satisfied.  But if you choose to look upon the face …

Joy Is…

Most of my reading and preaching this month has been about Joy. I just completed a three part Christmas Series on Joy at my Church. And you can discover how to increase your joy here. In this post, I want to, at least try to answer the question – “What is Joy?” I made a statement during one of my sermons about joy that left a lot of questions. I could hear the murmuring in the congregation while I tried to explained what I meant. Let me share it with you and you can leave a note about your feelings or thoughts about it: Joy is not affected by afflictions; it’s only affected by sin. Sin decreases joy; affliction increases it. I believe joy is … An indestructible Assurance in who God is and everything He promised. This includes the following: The assurance of his covenant relationship with each and everyone of us. The assurance that comes from the joy of His salvation within us. That he is able to save to the uttermost. That …

Reconciliation: Two Worlds Collide

The last few months have been a moving apart of many nations, cities, and Peoples. From the Middle East, to Eastern Europe, Parts of Africa, to Ferguson, conflict, strife and dissension seem to be pulling people and communities further apart. There is no telling of how this falling apart, affects families, Churches and relationships. I am however hopeful, that just as a people fall apart, there will come a time of healing and reconciliation. This is the will of God; and Quite frankly, our world needs this desperately. There is an account in Genesis chapters 24-33 that tell the story of two brothers. It is a story of love and hate; friendship and hostility. It is a story of a falling out. 20 years of grudge and separation. It is a very strong desire to revenge, as well as arrogance and un-repentance. For the most part, it was 20 years of deception, mistrust, deceit, anger, bitterness and the misery of resisting God  Everything was great between them until one betrayed the other. As difficult and impossible as it …

Joy is strength: How can I Increase it?

The joy of The Lord is my strength. Neh. 8:10. What is joy?   Webster’s Dictionary defines joy as “a feelings of great happiness” but there is something much richer and deeper from God’s word about the word. This is because joy is more of an “elevated and spiritual kind.” Joy is of God  “For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Romans 14:17 God is our source of joy.  He doesn’t only possess joy, he spreads it abroad. When he releases his joy in us, it moves like the working of his mighty power. A lot of people think that God is this angry, grumpy, always in a bad mood father. Quite frankly, it wouldn’t be a stretch to equate God to a “Happy God.” A few bible interpretors see the word “blessed” in 1 Timothy 1:11 as speaking of a cheerful and delightful God. Joy is God’s will  But now I am coming to you, and these things I speak in …