Comments 14

My Ongoing 2015 Leadership Makeover

It’s not about me

What if we were less consumed with building our own platform, kingdom, status, image? what if we were more driven to serve God for his glory? What if we saw it like JTB did – “I’m Just a Voice?”

So many times I overemphasize my ministry. It’s almost as if I’m seeking to build for myself a kingdom. Unfortunately, this kind of attitude holds us back from doing exceptionally great things for God. We get distracted by status, name recognition and earthly successes We fail to see the big picture and finish strong. But I’m learning that it’s not about “my ministry” “my call” “my platform.” I’m just a voice. A great leader understands that it is not about him.

I don’t have it all together 

What would it feel like to step off the pedestal and break down walls of invulnerability?
As a pastor, I sometimes feel tempted to project a certain image of myself. . The need to sound powerful and act like an anointed charismatic preacher is real. A stroke of my ego entices me to project an image of invulnerability and self-confidence. But I am learning what authenticity really means. Because sometimes I am not strong and I don’t have it altogether. I am learning to trust that God can still use me in spite of me.. A great leader is one who is not afraid of being real, vulnerable and authentic.

Competition among brothers

What if my call in life is to make others look good? What if competing for the first place meant promoting others?
The spotlight is cool but I can live without it. My call is to make others look good. If the team wins, I win. It is my mission to bring out the best in people and it’s okay if they get the glory in the process. To compete against my brothers is completely counter productive and out of character. I am learning more everyday about putting others first. I am learning how to celebrate the gifts and talents of others. A great leader is able to spot and develop young leaders. He mentors them with the sole goal of unleashing them to do exploits in the world.
Should I go in alone? Should I ask for support and advice? Should I face the world by myself?
No one should ever grieve alone, live this life alone, die alone. God never intended for us to do life alone. The bible says, “Two is better that one because they can help each other succeed.” I get it, some people work best behind closed doors and all alone, Others think they have all the answers and love to fly solo. But at some point or time, they are going to need somebody. I am learning that great leaders need a tribe of loyal family and friends. He knows how and when to ask for their support and advice.

Seizing the moment

What if every problem we face was in fact and opportunity for us to lead? Would we step up to the plate?
Opportunities to step up and lead abound around us everyday. My oldest daughter told me how she stepped in and defended a girl from a group of bullies at school. She could had made all the excuses in the world to stop herself from intervening, but none would have been good enough. She seized the moment. Some call it reflex of courage. After giving her a high-five, I asked myself if I would do the same if I were in her shoes. The only answer I could find lies in the following quote: “courage is not the absence of fear, it is the willingness to act in spite of fear.”
Is there anything new and challenging in your life as a leader? Please share what you are learning. Thanks and stayblessed!
This entry was posted in: Leadership


There are three things I think about every moment of everyday... they consume me deeply. How to: 1. Refine my theological understanding 2. sharpen my ethical rigor 3. and heighten my devotional intensity. These are the things I write about. Welcome you to my blog... Join me on this incredible journey of exploration and discovery of all the things God has in store for His children. Join by following or subscribing. I appreciate your thoughts, comments and friendship. Walter


  1. George Verwer, Drops From a Leaking Tap:

    “Leaders who admit their vulnerabilities, and even failures, walk with a limp. But I suppose that’s what makes it possible for hurting people to catch up with us to ask for help.”

    I was reminded of this quote as I read your post. I liked what you wrote about making others look good. I’m learning to do that.


  2. To be in a church where the pastor encourages his flock to step into their call and gifting is a huge gift. That’s a pastor who intimately “gets” grace and mercy – and knows how to love well. Conversely, a pastor whose primary concern is how his people make him look immobilizes those in his care.

    Thanks for being one of the former – and not the latter! 🙂



  3. I really enjoyed this post. I happen to attend a church with a Pastor that encourages and promotes each of us in our giftings. Being a Pastor and being secure in your identity in Christ makes all the difference. It enables you to encourage and build up in Christ those who are looking to you for leadership without jealousy or resentment. Blessings to you and thank you for honesty in this post!


    • Thank you much for reading. I am glad you enjoyed it.
      I think there is a lot of untapped talent hidden in our communities of worship. And we should encourage one another to use our talents for the glory of God and to edify one another.


  4. Debbie says

    I’m not a pastor, obviously, but this is so much what God was saying to me today, it’s uncanny. It’s hard to be vulnerable and authentic, but if we are trying to project an image we don’t really touch others. Great post.


    • Hi Sister Debbie
      Thanks for the comment and insight.
      A lot of people feel the need to look smart, decisive at the top of their game all the time. In their effort to show no sign of weakness on the job, in their leadership, or position – they miss the opportunity to touch others deeply by being real, vulnerable and authentic.
      Good to hear from you!


  5. I really enjoyed this message. I attend a church with a Pastor that is always spotting and encouraging the giftings of his people. He nurtures us all up and is willing to share the spotlight with anyone if he sees them moving ahead in Christ. Having Pastors with enough security in their identity in Christ is such a blessing! Blessings to you!


    • Amen! You are blessed to have such a leader… He must truly and whole heartedly believe in Ephesians 4:11, 12.
      Thanks for a powerful example of what it really looks like in real life.


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