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15 Tips on blogging from John Newton

Maybe some of you have lost your way and need to reevaluate your purpose and motives for blogging, or 
maybe some of you have thought about blogging but you don't know how or what to blog about especially as 
a believer - I have just the right post for you. Something that will inspire you to greatness. 
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If you’ve followed me for a while, you should know that I’m new to blogging in so many ways and I am still learning new things. For many months, I felt the loneliness in the blogger-sphere and wanted to give up. But I found inspiration, encouragement, friendship and got some gentle corrections and very good tips from many of you. I’m still not really good at writing, my funny accent causes me to spell thing the way I pronounce them, but I’m making progress. I actually wanted  to say that I make my living from talking (after all, 12 years as a radio host and 21 years as a pastor is a good excuse), but I realized that it was a poorer excuse. So, I guess the accent ‘thing’ did work en? đŸ™‚


In any event, I really enjoy blogging. I enjoy meeting new people, reading, learning new things, and participating in uplifting discussions. But I still have lots of room for improvement. That’s why I am resurrecting this old post because it reminds me why I blog and how I can improve my work. But before that, I want to take the time to say thanks to all of you for coming along side of me on this journey.

May the Lord bless all of us in our endeavors to make Him famous!

I urge you to prayerfully consider these 15 blogging tips from John Newton. This is an article that Tony Reinke wrote many years ago and it is packed with valuable coaching tips on how to blog to edify your readers. There are 15 tips, but I will post 5 for the next 3 days. I strongly suggest going through at least five a day so that it is more profitable to you. If you want it all right away, you can find it here.

So, Here we go… the first five blogging tips from John Newton…

1. Bloggers should write to learn, to meditate, and to remember.

“I think you would likewise find advantage in using your pen more: write short notes upon the Scriptures you read, or transcribe the labors of others; make extracts from your favorite authors, especially those who, besides a fund of spiritual and evangelical matter, have a happy talent of expressing their thoughts in a clear and lively manner: you would find a continued exercise in this way would be greatly useful to form your own style, and help your delivery and memory” (2:76–77).

2. Bloggers should write to edify, therefore it is preferable to write simple truth than to spread eloquent trifles.

“Language and style, however, are but the dress. Trifles, however adorned, are trifles still. A person of spiritual discernment would rather be the author of one page written in the humble garb of Bunyan, upon a serious subject, than to be able to rival the sprightliness and elegance of Lady M. W. Montague, unless it could be with a view to edification” (2:16–17).

3. Bloggers should expect the well to run dry at times, and understand some of the personal factors that explain this barrenness.

“My silence has been sometimes owing to want of leisure; and sometimes when I could have found leisure, my harp has been out of tune, and I had no heart to write. Perhaps you are ready to infer, by my sitting down to write at last, that my harp is now well tuned, and I have something extraordinary to offer: beware of thinking so, lest you should be sadly disappointed” (2:206).

4. Women should be encouraged to blog for the benefit of the entire church, since they naturally write in a style more enjoyable, and less stilted, than men are normally capable of.

“I have often wished we had more female pens employed in the service of the sanctuary. . . . In the article of essay writing, I think many are qualified to succeed better than most men, having a peculiar easiness of style, which few of us can imitate” (2:16).

5. Magnify Christ in what you write.

“I trust my pen is chiefly devoted to the praise of Jesus your beloved, and so far as I succeed, I am sure what I write will be acceptable to you” (6:349).

15 Tips for blogging from John Newton – Part 2

15 Tips for blogging from John Newton – Part 3

This entry was posted in: Leadership


There are three things I think about every moment of everyday... they consume me deeply. How to: 1. Refine my theological understanding 2. sharpen my ethical rigor 3. and heighten my devotional intensity. These are the things I write about. Welcome you to my blog... Join me on this incredible journey of exploration and discovery of all the things God has in store for His children. Join by following or subscribing. I appreciate your thoughts, comments and friendship. Walter


  1. Pingback: 15 Tips on Blogging from John Newton/ Part 2 | Walter Bright

  2. Pingback: 15 Tips for blogging from John Newton/ Part 3 | Walter Bright

  3. rhema3one7 says

    You ll never know how encouraging this is to me. Thank you so much Walter. Recently, I’m writing short stories. Writing clean and portraying Christ’s attributes has been my focus always. Here in Australia, I heard people say any writings with an essence of Christ were discouraged and not welcome. The local audience would never want them. I was quite disappointed but never gave up my plans. Here I am pulling on with my dream.


  4. Yet another post that I needed to hear…well read lol! I will definitely use these tips as I continue to learn everything I can about blogging for Christ. Thank you for the post.


  5. Just found this…right before beginning to pen my thoughts on this morning’s reading. I will read the entire series before beginning, since I am also very new to this blogging adventure and haven’t yet gotten my “blog legs” under me very well. Thanks for sharing these tips!


  6. Pingback: 3 Steps to Generate Good Revenue for Your Blog « Contentical

  7. You should add the pin button for pinterest. I would love to share this on my Pinterest for Christians outside of WordPress who might be considering blogging.


  8. Wise words! I loved it and can’t wait to see the rest. To me blogging is taking my personal walk and showing how God is using my life to teach me about his love, grace, mercy, forgiveness and the hope that lies in a relationship with him. Thank you for reblogging this!



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