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“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, does not faint or grow weary; there is no searching of His understanding. He gives power to the faint and weary, and to him who has no might He increases strength [causing it to multiply and making it to abound]. [II Cor. 12:9.] Even youths shall faint and be tired.  Young men shall feebly stumble and fall exhausted. But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.” [Heb. 12:1-3.] Isaiah‬ ‭40:28-31‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Have you ever been disappointed? Ever suffered a setback or fallen short of a goal? That can be a devastating kind of experience. And sometimes, no matter how sympathetic others are toward you, it seems like their kind gestures and well wishes are incapable of bringing you solace or comfort.

If you’re like me, in those times we resort to bitter complaints. We say things like:

  • God has lost track of me
  • He doesn’t care what happens to me
  • I call, and He doesn’t answer
  • Why is this happening to me

In response, God says: 

  • There is nothing in your life hidden from Me
  • There is nothing neglected by Me
  • There is nothing I don’t know
  • There is never a time I’m either weary or tired
  • I can turn your mourning into dancing
  • I can give you a new beginning and a second chance
  • In your darkest moments, when all hope is gone, I can lift you up where you belong

Here is the bottom line of these verses: God has never suffered a setback ever, he is in the business of helping those who do.
Somebody once said, “Human strength at its best inevitably fails. But only the power and the promise of God can sustain human perseverance.”

Lionel Harris said, “It’s not in trying but in trust. It’s not in the running but in resting. Not in wondering but in praying that we find the strength of the Lord.”

God says, if you adopt the right posture before me, I will lift you to higher heights. Isaiah gives us one perfect attitude: “Wait.” 

This is not a passive posture, but an active one. This is a call to diligently seek God. It is a posture that has no hurry. It is a posture of reliance and trust. “As the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master, and as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, in this posture, our eyes look to the Lord our God, until He has mercy and loving-kindness for us.” Psalm‬ ‭123:2‬ ‭AMP‬

Too often I hear people say, “I am waiting on the Lord,” but that’s just something they say to mask their frustration. There is a difference between waiting and engaging when you pray. When we remain in prayer, we actively seek. When we engage while we pray, we step out in faith.

He always rewards those who diligently seek Him. Isaiah gives us four of those rewards:

  • Power for the weak – they have their strength increased… This is the only way we find strength. And only those who are weak find it.
  • Heavenly perspective – they soar high on wings like Eagles… Sometimes all it takes is heaven’s perspective, a look from God’s perspective to see the big picture – His all-sufficient grace.
  • Forward moving momentum – they run and do not get weary; they walk and do not faint… When we draw power from God and begin to ride on wings like Eagle, from heaven’s point of view, we are ready to run and to walk. But it all starts by waiting for him.

Let me leave you with this final thought:
Relinquish Control: Get out of the driver’s seat. Put God before your perseverance. He is “able to make all grace abound to you.” Rest in God’s All-sufficiency. He’s got the power you don’t.

This entry was posted in: Motivation


There are three things I think about every moment of everyday... they consume me deeply. How to: 1. Refine my theological understanding 2. sharpen my ethical rigor 3. and heighten my devotional intensity. These are the things I write about. Welcome you to my blog... Join me on this incredible journey of exploration and discovery of all the things God has in store for His children. Join by following or subscribing. I appreciate your thoughts, comments and friendship. Walter


  1. Praying is a confirmation that we trust God to ask of our needs knowing he is the only way, the truth and the light. He isvtge right one. Take everything to God in prayers. Be Blessed because you are, Mtetar

    Liked by 1 person

  2. realchange4u says

    Walter words could not describe the importance and the fulfillment that comes from prayer. All that seek God earnestly will find Him.

    Sadly it had taken the death of a daughter and almost my entire life to realize the value of having a personal relationship with God, through His Holy Spirit.

    I love to pray to Him and talk to Him. Last night I made a statement to Him. Lord why ask you anything you already know my heart and everything on my mind, so I will set and praise you and thank you for who you are. It seems we always are asking God something or petitioning Him for something.

    I am so thankful for God, The Holy Spirit and my redeemer Jesus.

    Thank you for such a wonderful reminder.

    Peace to you my brother

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