Christian Life
Comments 3

What will your treasure be?

Every day, every moment, every decision, every choice we are faced with this question – “What will your treasure be?”

Will it be for your power?
Will it be for your fame?
Will it be for your success?
Will it be for your wealth?
Will it be for honor of yourself?

Every post, every tweet, every picture, every share on your social platform cannot dodge the question “What will your treasure be?”

Will it be for your glory?
Will it be for your greatness?
Will it be for your stardom?
Will it be for your notoriety?
Will it be for your praise?

For every material possession we have or desire to have, we must ask this question – “What will your treasure be?”

Will riches be your legacy?
Will possession be your security?
Will money be your God?
Will it be the measure your worth?
Will it be idol?

Luke 12:34 says, “wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.”

The heart is extremely greedy and selfish. It focuses on the things that are less valuable, not more valuable.

On the things that are valuable, Jesus taught the following:

  1. Life is more valuable. Instead of focusing on the value of life, we focus on food and clothing.
  2. We are more valuable. Instead, we worry and fail to see that we are more valuable than the birds He generously take care of.

  3. The kingdom of God is more valuable. Yet we allow “things” dominate of lives instead of seeking first His kingdom.

  4. A rich relationship is more valuable. Yet we foolishly try to store up earthly wealth as replacement or security to a rich relationship with God.

  5. Investing in others is more valuable. Yet, we give our live looking out for one thing – SELF!

To this selfishness, Jesus says, “go sell your possessions and give to those in need.” He didn’t stop there, he demonstrated this by giving himself over to death so that his friends can live.

He answered the question “What will your treasure be” by doing the most selfless thing – giving His life to enrich others.

What will your answer be?

This entry was posted in: Christian Life


There are three things I think about every moment of everyday... they consume me deeply. How to: 1. Refine my theological understanding 2. sharpen my ethical rigor 3. and heighten my devotional intensity. These are the things I write about. Welcome you to my blog... Join me on this incredible journey of exploration and discovery of all the things God has in store for His children. Join by following or subscribing. I appreciate your thoughts, comments and friendship. Walter


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