Blog Series
Comments 4

All In

We have seen what it means to love the Lord with all your heart and with all you soul. Today, I will continue this blog series by sharing what it means to love the Lord with all your mind. This will be the 3rd part in this 4 part series ALL IN


And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Mark 12:30

The Mind is the seat of the intellect. Hebrews 11:3.

To love God with all the mind is to love God through our thinking. Hebrews 11:3 says by faith we ‘understand’. What does it mean – “by faith we understand?” It means – “by faith we think.” Faith is not inconsistent with thinking. Sometimes we see faith as purely mystical. But true faith requires thinking, reasoning and rationality (Matthew 6). I understand that there are some things you just can’t explain, but I am deeply offended when our culture tells me that because I believe in the Bible I have surrendered my ability to think. On the contrary, the gospel changes the way you think about everything in life. It changes the way you think about money, power, success, people and even yourself. So let me share with you a few ways you can love the Lord with all your mind:

1. Renewing the mind daily… Romans 12:2; Philippians 4:8; Colossians 3:1-10

Before putting our trust in Christ, we were all led astray in our thinking. But today we are followers of Him, therefore, transformation must take place by the renewing of our mind. The Bible encourages us to think about things that are lovely, pure, true, holy and worthy of praise . In other words – get rid of stinking thinking.

2. Humility of the mind… Philippians 2:2-14

This is about our attitude. Are we boastful and proud? Do we have a complex of superiority? Do we struggle with putting others before us? Do we feel like we are better than others or have a high opinion of ourselves? One of the greatest ways we can truly love the Lord with all our mind is to become like-minded in our thinking, humbling ourselves.

3. Warfare of the Mind… 2 Corinthians 10:4-6

I am sure you have heard it said, that the mind is the battleground for the christian life. Most of the battles you will fight in your christian life is going to take place in your mind. So the scripture encourages us to put on the helmet of salvation so that we can withstand all the flaming arrows of the evil one. We are going to have to constantly wage war against wrong thinking until our mind is completely devoted and surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

So to end, let me urge you to keep thinking deeply about God until all your affections come alive in you to love Him,treasure Him and delight in Him above all else. That’s what it means to love the Lord with all you mind.

Are You All For Jesus 2012?


This entry was posted in: Blog Series


There are three things I think about every moment of everyday... they consume me deeply. How to: 1. Refine my theological understanding 2. sharpen my ethical rigor 3. and heighten my devotional intensity. These are the things I write about. Welcome you to my blog... Join me on this incredible journey of exploration and discovery of all the things God has in store for His children. Join by following or subscribing. I appreciate your thoughts, comments and friendship. Walter


  1. Great post Walter. When thinking of faith and the challenge of faith it presents to our mind I always think of:

    1) “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17 – source of our faith)


    2) “We walk by faith and not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7 – the challenge to trust the guidance God has given us in His word).

    Have a great day Walter. Enjoyed the toughts you presented.


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